"[This book] embodies the Buddhist wisdom about change, life, and the
world more than anything written after the events of that day."
Robert Stone

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August 26, 2006


Watching the World Change is about the meaning behind the images we all shared during one week: September 11-17, 2001. It is also, more broadly, about the role of media at the turn of the millennium. As such, the book seems to demand a more interactive companion. This Web site, then, is a receptacle for information about the book, a forum about the intersection of image and culture, a journal detailing my experiences and encounters, and a platform for dialogue between author and reader.

I'm finding that no matter where I go, the same thing happens whenever I mention the book, even in passing. Friends, colleagues, complete strangers -- everyone stops what they're doing and feels compelled to tell me their September 11 story. They can go on for about 20 minutes, without a break, reliving those moments again. And without exception, each tale is insightful and heart-wrenching in its own way.

This urge to recount -- and connect -- underscores not only the universality and significance of the events of that day, but also reinforces the fact that each of us feels a part of the larger narrative. Our individual, intimate experiences of horror, grief, anger, mourning, of courage or sacrifice or revelation, actually matter in the scheme of things. They are weaved into the fabric of history. They deserve to be shared.

Given my full schedule as the book is published and given the sheer number of letters, inquiries, and e-mails (to dfriend@davidfriend.net) that I've received, I will need to be selective in what I post. Please forgive me for that. And please keep in mind that the Internet (not to mention the subject of 9/11) has a tendency to invite chatter that is inappropriate for any number of reasons. Therefore, my asking for e-mails, instead of allowing automatic posts, is also a filtering mechanism.

In any case, thanks for visiting here. Come back from time to time. And please tell your friends.

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