"[This book] embodies the Buddhist wisdom about change, life, and the world more than anything written after the events of that day." |
« Previous · Home · Next » February 13, 2007"FRONTLINE" TEASER; STUDENT TIPSFor news freaks, legal eagles, and political junkies, watch tonight's PBS Frontline broadcast "News War," about challanges facing the press in the 21st century. The opening installment of the four-part series, led by correspondent Lowell Bergman, focuses on the impact of the Plame-Libby case on press power -- and the Bush administration's hostile posture toward the news media. I've written a review of the program in this morning's New York Times. REACTIONS TO THE REVIEW... Last night I gave a lecture about Watching the World Change. The audience: students at New Rochelle (N.Y.) High School. I laid out 5 mottos for teenagers (some of whom might be considering a career in journalism)... 1. Hang out with honest people--people who bring out your best self. |