"[This book] embodies the Buddhist wisdom about change, life, and the
world more than anything written after the events of that day."
Robert Stone

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June 14, 2010


I haven’t read it yet, but my spiritually engaged and enlightened friend Shelley Waln recommends a new book by a close associate of hers: Bonnie McEneaney’s Messages: Signs, Visits and Premonitions from Loved Ones Lost on 9/11, just out from William Morrow.


Close readers of Watching the World Change might remember the section about Robbie Morrell, who lost her husband, George, in the September 11 attacks—and then felt George’s presence through encounters that she had with a psychic (pages 273-274). A similarly gripping and otherworldly story is described in the footnote on page 393-394, in which my friend Don Johnston discusses an experience of “connecting” with Tommy Palazzo, who also perished that day.

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