"[This book] embodies the Buddhist wisdom about change, life, and the
world more than anything written after the events of that day."
Robert Stone

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January 21, 2007


Wayne Hill, of Highland Springs, Virginia, wrote on Thursday...

"For those of us who love New York but (thank God!) weren't there to witness the perdition in the flesh, Mr. Friend's book probably gives the reader the closest possible approximation of what it feels like to have lost a loved one that day. He manages to 'put a face' on many of the victims. They come to seem like friends.

"I love and hate this book. It's a 'magic telescope' which 'brings it all back' so effectively that it almost seems to stretch time backwards to that horrid day. It is masterfully done. Americans must never forget what was done to Americans that day. Mr. Friend's book should make the 'Day of Infamy' comprehensible, almost immediate, to future Americans. Well Done!"

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