"[This book] embodies the Buddhist wisdom about change, life, and the
world more than anything written after the events of that day."
Robert Stone

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March 5, 2007


Amherst (the alumni magazine for Amherst College -- I'm class of '77) was kind enough to feature Watching the World Change as its cover story this month. In keeping with the spirit of this Web site, readers were requested to submit their own unpublished 9/11-related photographs, via e-mail. This image came from Jed Miller (Class of '88) who, according to Amherst College Online, was at his home in Brooklyn, N.Y., on the morning of September 11 when he heard a loud boom.

Before long Miller saw a plume of dark smoke in the sky behind the brownstones across his street. "My camera happened to have a new roll of film," he writes on his Web site, “so I put on a hat and went up the hill to the Promenade, which sits on the East River below the Brooklyn Bridge and overlooks downtown. It was packed with people.”



From the Promenade, Miller photographed the World Trade towers burning in the distance, the south tower as it fell and the crowd that watched in shock. To see his photos and to read his account of the day, CLICK HERE.

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