"[This book] embodies the Buddhist wisdom about change, life, and the
world more than anything written after the events of that day."
Robert Stone

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September 6, 2007


From Alexander Newman, of New York City...

"Reading the first chapter of Watching..., I was struck by the notion that photographers felt impelled to record, and drawn to the site. Perhaps similarly, I felt compelled to preserve the email I sent to my friends and family around the country and around the world that afternoon, recording my experience of the day. It's been ONLINE HERE, since then, unedited.

"Thanks again, for a timely, if uncomfortable, reminder of 'the Event.'"

From Nikki Stern, author, blogger (1WomansVu), of New Jersey, who lost her husband, James Potorti on September 11, 2001...

"The changes you discuss re the availability of and approach to images is so different. Reality TV is as much a part of the trend of 'showing it all' as YouTube is. There's also the increasing use of the Internet by radical factions to show things like public executions and on the other side, there's a flattening and broadening of news - there's no hierarchy in terms of what's important. So your depressing but probably accurate notion that we may pass through a period of prurient voyeurism (hope that's not redundant) makes sense."

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